Friends of Saracens Head Angling Group.
Canada Calling
The Saracen’s head bar in the 1970s and 1980s, on Monday evenings, was a crucible of fly tying, angling, ideas and suggestions; a few beers and lots of laughter. From this mix the Saracen’s Head Angling Group was formed. Those few, all characters, had no idea where we would end up; two hundred members? Never! Foremost in all of this was a larger than life character, namely, the erstwhile bon vivere and sadly lamented gamekeeper, Roy Arnold. Roy truly was a countryman of high renown, great knowledge, much skill and practical aptitude. He was at the heart of what the early club was about and once you’d met him, never forgotten. There are many stories about Roy or ‘Arnie’ that always make me smile; often centred on motorcycles, shooting, fishing, a drink or two and fun. I have fond memories of Roy on our early weekend fishing trips away, which he embraced fully. He is remembered by a lovely headstone in St Andrew’s Churchyard, Weston with images of his pastimes.
Roy had nephews and nieces of whom he was righty proud. Two of his nephews reside in Canada and are associate members of our club. They are Vernon George and Russell George; they love fishing which they do avidly in the Canadian waters. Those of you you were fortunate enough to know Roy will see the brothers’ resemble their uncle. Below are some images of their catches in Canada which make me very envious. Good luck to you Vernon and Russell, keep angling as your Uncle Roy would be proud of you.
SHAG Chairman – aka The Captain